I’m back!

I’m back!

it’s been a while since I’ve written anything and posted. I’ve had my mind focused on various different things but it’s time to bite the bullet and publish another cheeky little blog post!

so for an update on various things here goes:

> in the summer, I travelled to one of the most amazing places I have ever experienced. took a lot of balls to sit on a plane for nearly 30 hours given that I am T E R R I F I E D of flying. however, I did it. and I spent 2 weeks in New Zealand, exploring, taking everything in. and I decided that hopefully in the next few years I want to start a new life out over there.

> over the last 5 years, I have been writing as a way to cope with my mental health problems. recently I managed to draft most of my poetry into a book, which I got printed and have even sold a few copies. which was terrifying, being open to judgement. but it has honestly filled my heart with so much joy that people actually want to read what I have written.

> I am currently about to start my two final modules in University before becoming a fully qualified mental health nurse. which has been a roller-coaster of emotions and feeling like I wouldn’t reach this point. but I am nearly there!

> my mind has been a bit of a mess. various things have happened that sent me on a bit of a spiral, taking myself off of my medication and just feeling completely lost. but I am back on track, I think. I have been seeing a psychologist to help deal with some things, my main problem, was being diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. things are getting a bit brighter, and I’m so glad I can finally see a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel.

> finally at the start of December I turned 21! and got to spend some quality time with those who mean the most to me in my life. it was a very emotional day as it was a big milestone birthday that I have spent years doubting I would ever reach. and I am so glad I did.

for now, that is a brief catch up on what has been going on in my life. I have a feeling I may be posting some poetry very soon on here. but for now, take care my lovelies x